Axel Braun is perhaps a bigger comic book geek than Kevin Feige
and Joss Whedon combined. Sure, the high-rollers have billions of dollars to
bandy about on their comic book properties, and they can most certainly afford
better special effects, slicker photography, and ostensibly better actors, but
it's Braun – with his now-extensive string of superhero porn parodies – who has
more accurately captured the mood and the spirit of comic books. Despite how
true-to-the-page something like The Avengers or Thor: The
Dark World may claim to be on the surface,
Thor XXXactually
bothers to cut deep, producing spot-on costume reproductions, gleefully
involving obscure characters only the biggest fans know about, and often
referring to actual recorded comic book backstory, rather than inventing an
ever-so-slightly altered version of it. So Thor XXX is
going to be a more faithful adaptation of the Thor comic books. Only there's more fucking.The story of Thor XXX is
actually much better than all three of the Thor films to date, and only requires about 16 minutes to tell.
As opposed to the other movies, which are bogged down with page after page of
Kat Dennings-involved exposition. In this Thor story, Loki (Tommy Pistol) has
seduced Sif (Kimberly Kane) while magically disguised as Thor. Thor (Brendon
Miller) is so enraged that he unleashes his magic hammer at Loki, allowing Loki
to teleport it to Earth. Thor must leave his father and mother (Mark Davis and
Julia Ann) and travel to Earth to find his beloved weapon. While on Earth, he
runs afoul of The Enchantress (Nicole Aniston) and Executioner (Dick Delaware),
and if you know who those characters are, then you're probably already excited.
In this version of things, Thor only falls in love with Jane Foster (Alyssa Branch)
because he's been enchanted.
In addition, Sif fellates Heimdall (Dick Chibbles), Iron Man
makes a cameo appearance, and there are even a few special effects sequences
(although they are admittedly low-rent). If lengthy sex scenes aren't your
speed, and you feel they interrupt the flow of your comic book curiosity, the
DVD and Blu-ray of Thor XXX Porn comes with a 16-minute sex-free version
which condenses all of this story.
The recent wave of comic book inspired feature films have – for
better or for worse – taken a rather sacred approach to their source material.
They tweak story elements, alter origins, and update costumes, but for the most
part, the cinematic superhero boom has excelled in taking their overblown comic
book characters – yes even Thor – somewhat seriously. Axel Braun has been
taking a much more thrilling approach, in that he is making glorified and
enthusiastic fan fiction.
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